Name of the institution – Kaunas St. Casimir Progymnasium, legal entity code 190138219.
The legal form of the progymnasium – budgetary institution.
Dependence of the progymnasium – Kaunas City Municipality School.
Progymnasium office – Vandžiogalos pl. 51, LT-47416 Kaunas. Tel. (8-37) 488967
Type of educational institution – progymnasium.
The principal of the progymnasium – Palmira Talijūnienė.
The language of teaching in the progymnasium – Lithuanian, the forms of learning – group and (or) individual.
The scope of the progymnasium – education. Main types of educational activities:
- education of pre-school children;
- primary education;
- basic education.
The aim of the progymnasium – to develop a harmonious and independent, free and responsible, creative and Christian values-oriented person, who seeks lifelong learning, to improve one’s abilities, to help to acquire personal, civic and socio-cultural competences necessary for successful further learning, professional development, establishment in civic, cultural and social life.
The progymnasium performs the following functions:
- forms the content of education and organizes work in accordance with the general education programs approved by the Minister of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania, general education plans of general education schools or individual education plans approved in accordance with the established procedure, ensures the implementation of education plans;
- specifies and individualizes formal education programs for students of different abilities;
- compiles program modules that complement formal education programs and meet the needs of students’ self-expression;
- develops non-formal education programs;
- assesses the special educational needs of students, provides special pedagogical and special assistance to students with special needs, organizes integrated training for students with special needs;
- creates conditions for students to study at home, independently and in the family;
- creates healthy and safe educational conditions for students;
- implements prevention of smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, violence and bullying.
Updated 11/03/2021